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 About Us
Pangaea, Inc. was founded in 1991. It is a private company owned entirely by Philip and Jan Zacker of Edmond, Oklahoma. In 2003, a major milestone occurred with the introduction of our own Web based engine to allow access to our records and images, via the internet. After 31 years, Phil and Jan retired on December 31st, 2022, turning over operational control to Grant Nichols of Edmond, Oklahoma, who had been the Webmaster for the past 18 years. After Grant's unexpected death on March 2nd, 2024, operational control is now in the hands of Darrell Smith, who had been Grant's assistant for the past 10 years.

Pangaea Datacom, LLC is the new entity created by Darrell to continue the legacy of www.pangaeadata.com.

Our combined goal has been to bring to the Oklahoma Oil and Gas Industry something it never had before, "A CHOICE".

We believe and our mission is simply this: Service is not a catchy phrase; it is what we are about. We consider it a privilege to serve our customers, no matter how large or small they may be. We have over two thousand clients to prove it. It is safe to say we did not develop a client base such as this by providing inaccurate records!

We provide a full range of services, including Well Completion, Plugging and Transfer records, Orders of the OCC, Newly filed applications, Intent to Drill forms and more.

Together, Pangaea is still . . .

  • The only company to ever successfully compete with Oil Law Records Corporation in over 50 years.
  • The only company to provide an alternative to Sooner Well Log Services.
  • The only company to ever copy and scan the Archived Files of the OCC (a three year endeavor).
  • The only company to ever copy, scan and provide Well Completion records (over a million pages) and provide these records digitally in a cost effective manner ( a five year project).
  • The only company that provides respondents and elections with our pooling orders at no additional cost.
  • The first company to provide Geological Exhibits in a digital form.
  • The only company that has performed all our data entry and imaging in house, we do not utilize outside sources.

Please feel free to call us if you have any questions, we will be most happy to serve you.

Pangaea Datacom, LLC.

(405) 602-9309

Email: [email protected]

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© 2004-2022 Pangaea, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2023-2024 Pangaea Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2024-Present Pangaea Datacom, LLC. All rights reserved.
All data and information is provided "As Is" and is subject to the Subscription Agreement.