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Pangaea Datacom LLC's July invoices were sent out the week of July 1st. Due to the way we had to send invoices out in June & July, we are auditing all accounts for accuracy but still need ALL companies to email your Accounts Payable information to us if you haven't done so already. Meanwhile, we are still emailing invoices to the Primary Subscriber for each Company if you haven't responded yet. The August Billing cycle is almost here! Please do not ignore the Invoices and Statements from Pangaea Datacom LLC!

The OTC Production has now been updated through the Mid-July OTC files, and will be updated around the 15th of each month going forward.

Also, due to the global disruption in IT services created by Crowdstrike and Microsoft, the OCC announced that all proposed Orders etc from Friday 7-19 are being continued to Monday 7-22 for processing. As this outage also affected Well info, there was no Pangaea upload possible on Friday.

Thank you, Jan and Philip Zacker, Owners

Darrell Smith, Pangaea Data General Manager

User Name:


Pangaea Datacom's new office office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. The General Office line is (405) 602-9309.

Our new mailing address for payments is:

Pangaea Datacom, LLC
P.O. Box 720811
Oklahoma City, OK 73172

All Billing inquiries (for payments, to add or delete users, etc) should be made to Kemberly or Crystal at [email protected] or call (405) 600-5832.

All Tech Support inquiries (help logging in, reset cookies, etc) should be made to Darrell at [email protected] or call (405) 600-0510.

Thank you,






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All data and information is provided "As Is" and is subject to the Subscription Agreement.